09. March 2012 · Comments Off on Kirkland Marina – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Typical isn’t it.  Yesterday it was lovely outside, sun shining, warm, I even saw some buds coming through on some bushes – I mean it was like “wow, spring is on its way”.  So I get all excited and think I’m going to get some good pictures this weekend.

Then Friday comes around, and the rain starts to fall.   I really wanted to get some blue skies and nice pictures and it’s cold and wet outside – again.

As a result I thought I’d post a picture from a sunny day.  This shot was taken in Kirkland by the marina.   It was a nice day and the water was really calm so there wasn’t too much boat movement on the water.  Mind you there were a lot of boats there – pretty crowded.

Carter wanted to go to the movies tonight but didn’t have any money, so he decided to liberate some money from Abi’s piggy bank – very naughty!

10. February 2012 · Comments Off on David E Brink Park – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I really like this image but I’m not really sure why!  There are so many things wrong with the photograph like the lack of anything really interesting and the horizon in the middle of the image.

However when I showed this shot to Lisa it was one of her favorites too.  I guess there is something in minimalism!

This one was taken on the road between Kirkland and Redmond in David E Brink Park.

It was the post sticking out of the water that caught my eye, that and the floating platform out in the lake.  The whole area was completely deserted and the sky looked great, at least that’s why I took the shot.

I know, this has happened to us all.  You happen to hold a few balloons and all of a sudden you take off.  Hugely embarrassing!

08. February 2012 · Comments Off on Sunset at Clyde Beach Park – Bellevue · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I was out looking for a new location to shoot, somewhere local but a place I haven’t tried.  Earlier in the day I’d looked at mapquest to see if there were any parks near work and I found Clyde Beach Park in Bellevue that overlooked Lake Washington.

The sun was starting to go down when I arrived and the water was really calm.  I liked the fact that the sun was going to fall over the peninsular and there was a guy sat at the end of the peer just staring out over the water.

The sky also had a nice orange tint and after shooting lots of cold blue and grey skies it made a great change.

The only downside is when you shoot directly into the sun you are going to get some lens flare, and I wasn’t let down.  Fortunately it doesn’t hurt the image too much.

The halo guys found an old etch-a-sketch and I have to say I was very impressed with their image!

07. February 2012 · Comments Off on Ducks – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

OK I admit it this is an odd posting.  The reality is that we (the family) liked both pictures and couldn’t agree on which “Duck” picture to post.

I was driving from Kirkland to Redmond and saw a small park by the water.  I pulled over, parked up, grabbed my camera gear and went to check out the area.  In truth there wasn’t much to see, but there were a load of ducks in the water.

Now I know what your thinking… Ducks!!! I’ve finally gone nuts.  Well yeah maybe I have, but what caught my attention was when the ducks started to stick their heads under water and their “tails” in the air, I guess they were looking for fish.  But there were around 5 ducks and it was almost synchronized!  It looked really funny.  So I started taking pictures and as per usual, all 5 didn’t go again at the same time.

So, I ended up with two pictures.  One of duck heads, and one of duck tails.  When I got home there was a big discussion over which picture to post.  Abi and I liked the tail one, but Lisa preferred the head.  To save any arguments I’ve included them both here, so you can decide yourself and pick a favorite.

Tonights Halo picture shows our two heroes playing “Tavel Shut the Box”.  I have no idea why!

06. February 2012 · Comments Off on Seattle Views – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

For those that don’t know, Seattle is on one side of Lake Washington and Kirkland is on the other.  Kirkland has a small harbor and even smaller beach where kids and dogs paddle in summer.  As we have had some really lovely weather lately the sun brought out the crowds to check out the water front.

There’s a park area to lie out in the sun, a large gazebo to find some shade and benches along the water front to watch the boats and children play.

I set up the tripod under the gazebo and using a long lens captured the shot below.  The lens created great compression, making the Seattle skyline across the lake appear much closer and captured the people on the bench enjoying the water.

This image below was actually my second attempt.  In the first one there was an elderly couple sitting on the bench holding hands, and while in silhouette they looked great, I made a composition blunder and had the water horizon crossing their necks (that made it look like their heads were cut off).  After realizing my mistake I set up again but the older couple had left and were replaced with a younger couple and a dude with one leg (he actually had two legs but it looks like one is missing).

Oh well, next time I’ll get it right first time. 🙂

When I got home the Halo guys were watching Glee with Abi, immediately after the show they ran for their pink iPod and Hello Kitty headphones so they could hear more songs and sing along.

Hello Kitty Music