15. September 2012 · Comments Off on Hard Rock Cafe – Las Vegas · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

One night while in Las Vegas we hit the road with our cameras to see what we could find.  Without a doubt the best time to photograph Vegas is when the sun goes down.  There was so much to see (both amazing buildings and very strange people) that I took hundreds of pictures.

As we were walking down the strip we came across some very strange individuals.  The latest thing (I didn’t see it last time I was there) is for people to walk the streets dressed up in costume and try to get you to photograph them for a fee.  They will either pose on their own or with you but either way it costs.  Now we had no interest in these people but as we were carrying camera’s and tripods they sometimes took an interest in us.

When we reached the Hard Rock Cafe I wanted to take a picture.  The cafe was actually on the other side of the road but if I crossed I would have been too close to get what I wanted in frame (I neglected to take my super wide lens).  So I decided to shoot it as traffic shot past (that’s what the red and yellow lines are at the bottom of the image).

Anyway as I’m trying to take a picture, this “nutta” comes up behind me dressed as Frankenstein monster.  The dude was huge, well over 6′ 5″ and he clearly wanted me to shoot him instead.  Much to other passers by enjoyment he started getting super close behind me, mimicking what I was doing.

So you have to imagine my dilemma, I’m standing there with $10,000 of camera gear with a 6′ 7″ green monster encroaching on my “personal space”.  What should I do?  Tell him to get lost, leg it, whack him with the tripod? (All crossed my mind.)  In the end I thought sod it, and completely ignored the lune and took the picture below.  Once he realized he wasn’t getting anywhere he buggered off and left me alone, and I got the shot I wanted.

I wasn’t sure what the traffic would come out like, there were a lot of cars on the road but they were all pretty low and didn’t affect the scene on the other side of the road.  So I just took a few shots and decided I’d see what it would looked like when I got home.  After processing I think this came out pretty well.  I like the red and orange lines showing the traffic lights, and the Hard Rock Cafe guitar looks great.

Carter and Master Chief have been trying different kinds of Soda recently, as you can see they have gone through quite a few!

14. September 2012 · Comments Off on Chandelier – Las Vegas · Categories: Image a Day · Tags:

I have loads of images from Vegas but I couldn’t decide what to post tonight.  I sat here for a few hours post processing images and the came across this chandelier image.  Lisa really liked it so I thought I’d make this tonight’s picture.

I photographed this chandelier in the Eye Candy bar in the Mandalay Bay, we were sitting at the bar on our last day (we were actually waiting for the right time to leave – how sad is that?)  And I say the chandelier and thought it might look cool.

I selected a really shallow depth of field so the small light at the front was in focus and everything else was blurred.  The light really was this orange and the picture is a pretty accurate representation of the real thing.

I was at work today and saw this pen and I thought I’d bring it home for Abi.  Anyway Master Chief and Carter didn’t like and I found them trying to beat it up!  Ironically the pen won.

13. September 2012 · Comments Off on Madalay Bay – Las Vegas · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I posted a few pictures over the last week or so from my trip to Las Vegas, and told everyone that I stayed at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.  Now I’ve never stayed there before I usually end up at Caesars Palace and because I’m stuck in the middle of the strip I’ve never made it all the way the Mandalay Bay.

When you drive into Las Vegas, this is the first hotel you come to and during the day it it looks pretty impressive as it’s all gold.  One of the nights there we grabbed our gear and went for a walk.  It was really hot out (over 100 degrees) and pretty humid for Vegas, and we walked from Mandalay to Caesars.  Along the way we took loads of pictures and tonight’s image was the first.

These hotels are really well designed, as once you get in, you can’t get out.  We literally couldn’t find the door and when we did we found ourselves on a private road for the hotel that didn’t lead anywhere, to get off the premises we had to go back inside and find another exit.

However before we did that I took this picture.  This is another example of trying to capture something in a different way or from a different perspective.  I didn’t want the typical “frontal” shot of the hotel, I wanted something different.  From the private road we could see the sides of the hotel, some really cool palm trees and a bridge (left hand side of the picture) that was above us and lead to the strip.

I shot this and when I got it off the camera it looked terrible.  The colors were all wrong and it took me a while to get them right, as we saw them that night.  But I have to say it was worth the effort as I’m very pleased with the finished image.

Carter wanted some frozen pineapple tonight while Master Chief looked on with envy.

12. September 2012 · Comments Off on Liquor Store – Las Vegas · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

While at Photoshop World we stayed at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.  This was a pretty nice hotel and every day we’d get up and walk down for breakfast (through the casino), walk past the shops (through the casino) and then go to the conference center (through the casino).  Pretty much all roads take you past some table or slot machine area.

Anyway one shop we past regularly was this liquor store.  What caught your eye was the gold window framing and the pink lights in the window.  It really was very pink and everyone who walked past seemed to stop and stair for a few minutes. Just across the walkway was a lit up purple waterfall but the shop got you first every time.

The trouble with this window was that it was in pretty low light.  I tried shooting this a few times but none of the images came out that well.  Then on the last day I had a tripod with me and grabbed a sneaky shot, and I’m really pleased I did as this came out really well.

I put a heavy vignette on this image as the background on the right was very bright and it pulled the eye away from the pink shop window.  So that’s why it looks darker on the right.  In the end a cool picture and a wicked liquor store – that happens to be right by the casino – what a surprise!

Tonight the guys decided to play laser tag!  It was a draw.

11. September 2012 · Comments Off on Bronze Angel – Hoover Dam · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

Last Saturday morning I was in Las Vegas and had nothing to do until my flight home later that night. “Nothing to do in Las Vegas” I hear you ask?  How is that possible?  Well I’m not really into gambling and photographing Las Vegas in the day just isn’t as much fun as shooting at night.  So I decided a field trip was in order.  As Hoover Dam was only 30 minutes away (and I’d never been) I thought that would be a cool destination.

So Chris and I hired a car and we set off (just as a side note, it cost less to hire a car for 24 hours than the taxi fair too and from downtown Las Vegas, the night before).  It took us around 45 minutes to get to Hoover Dam (not including our stop over at Lake Mead and this scary casino right by Lake Mead for some breakfast), and it was ridiculously hot – well over 100 degrees.

Now I would imagine that Hoover Dam is really fantastic at night, I’m told that it’s all lit up and looks amazing.  If truth be told we tried to hire a car the night before but we got out of the conference after the Avis rental desk was closed.  But during the day in September it’s pretty hard sunlight everywhere.  Don’t get me wrong Hoover Dam is amazing especially when you realize when it was built (back in the early 1930s), but getting really cool pictures with the sun directly over head on the border of Nevada and Arizona, is pretty difficult.

Having said that I did capture a few images that I will post over the next few weeks but the first one I’m sharing is a picture of one of the two bronze angels.

On the Nevada side of the dam there are two winged figures that flank the American flag.  Sculptor Oskar Hansen (who created these figures) has an overly complex description of what these statues are and what they represent, I really don’t understand any of that, but I thought the figures looked really great.  There are actually two of these figures (or Angels) and I tried shooting them from quite a few angles.  I tried to compose an image with the figures all in frame, but there were a load of wires crossing the top of the statues and while I could have removed those in post processing, the full size images didn’t really look that great.

The thing that caught my eye is the image below.  I loved the contrast in the statue (the fact that I caught directly lit and shadowed parts of the figure) and the sky behind – which looked great I thought.  So this is the image I chose to post.  Home you like it.

Master Chief and Carter were arguing tonight over who had the bigger brain.  Master Chief proved his was larger when he got it out to show Carter!