27. June 2012 · Comments Off on Rusty Train – Snoqualmie · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I was looking for something to post tonight and went through my “Unposted” directory and nothing really grabbed me.  And as it was 10pm I started to worry a little.  So I went through my 6,198 picture library (that’s how many pictures I’ve taken this year) and I came across this train.

The image was taken in Snoqualmie at the railway museum.  When you drive towards Snoqualmie for about a mile on the right hand side you pass all these old trains.  There are loads of them and they are all rusting and falling apart.  Unfortunately there is this six foot high wire fence between the path that runs next to the trains and the exhibits, so it’s quite hard to get a good shot.  You don’t want a dirty big fence in the way.

So I found a part of the path that was a little higher than the rest, pushed the tripod up to it’s nine foot maximum height, lifted the camera over the fence and took the shot.  Considering I couldn’t properly compose the picture, I think it came out OK.

What makes the train and picture interesting (to me anyway) is the terrible state it’s in and the autumn colors of the metal.  It’s all red, brown, yellow and orange and I think looks cool.  My only regret is that I don’t have a nice blue sky above, that would have looked really good.  But you can’t have everything.

This weekend I’m going to try some light painting with some flashlights.  The Halo guys grabbed one each but I think Carter has flashlight envy.

26. June 2012 · Comments Off on Royal Argosy – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , , ,

If you ever visit Seattle and take a trip down to the city water front on Elliott Bay, you may be tempted to take a boat trip out in the bay and do a tour of the city from the water.  Alternatively you might want to jump on a boat, go through the locks at Ballard and get into Lake Washington and do a sightseeing tour there (who knows you may see Bill Gates in his house in Medina, Bellevue).

Well if you want to do either, you will have to take an Argosy Cruise.  This company provides all sorts of cruises out of Seattle and they all start from Pier 55 on Alaskan Way right down on the waterfront.

Now I have done most of their tours over the years (some multiple times as it’s a great place to take friends and family who visit), but I’ve never done one of their Dining Cruises.  They actually have a few different types including a lunch cruise, a dinner dance cruise and even a murder mystery dinner cruise (I’d like that one).  All of these take place on their largest vessel the Royal Argosy.

It just so happens that when I was there shooting the other night, the Royal Argosy was coming into dock after one of it’s dinner dance cruises.  The ship was beautifully lit and when it docked hundreds of people came off all dressed up in the best evening gowns and tuxedos.

I took this picture from the end of the pier looking back at the Royal Argosy which had docked at port with the city skyline in front of it.  Pier 56 to the left in the picture has some restaurants on it that were all lit up providing cool reflections on the water.

It all looked really nice and made I think a lovely picture.

Tonight the guys decided to play “Littlest Petshop” on Abi’s Nintendo DS.

25. June 2012 · Comments Off on Harbor Water Lillies – Carillon Point · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , , ,

So I’ve been going through a photography crisis over the last couple of days.  There is this video podcast I watch called “The Grid”, and the show is presented by a couple of guys I really respect.  I’ve been a bit behind with the shows (mainly due to work) and had the chance this weekend to catch up.  Well on a few shows the two presenters (Scott Kelby and Matt Kozlowski) carried out some blind reviews, where people send in their images and basically Scott and Matt tell them what they really think.

Unfortunately sometimes what they think isn’t nice to hear.  That said if an image sucked (and a lot of them did) they give the message in a respectful way, clearly stating what’s wrong and what you need to do.  Well as I’ve been watching the shows I’ve been going through my own pictures and have seen a lot of the “mistakes” they raised on the show.  One of the things they said on The Grid was that people tend to tell you nice things on Facebook and Flickr, friends don’t say things like “I don’t like that image”, they just don’t “like” it.

As a result looking through my “images to post” directory I found I didn’t like any of the shots anymore as I keep seeing errors and mistakes.

Tonight’s image is another shot from Carillon Point, this time from right down on the waterfront just by the harbor.  Just in front of the boats is this small separated area for small row boats and kayaks.  The water is covered in water lillies and lit from small lights that edge the water.

When I took the shot I loved the lillies and the reflections on the water.  Looking at the image at home I noted that the water in the bottom left corner was a bit “scummy” – and that’s being nice.  This was an attention to detail issue that was raised on the podcast.  So I spent an hour cleaning the water in Photoshop.  (Now I’ve said that you will all be looking in the corner at the water).

The end result is a better picture, but after this weekend I still feel I have a lot to learn.

Tonight the Halo dudes decided to cut up some fresh berries.  Fortunately they didn’t make too much mess.

24. June 2012 · Comments Off on Elliott Bay Sunset – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , , ,

Tonight I’m posting another image from last nights visit to Seattle.  Shortly after I got there I caught a ferry coming in as another was going out.  The sun was really over the Olympics mountain range but the sky was a great orange, red color.

It was getting dark at this time so I had to shoot either with a long exposure or with high ISO. As the ferry was moving, long exposures were out, it would just look like a blur going across the water, so I had to ramp the ISO up on the D4.

Now with my older camera, if I went above 800 ISO the picture had a load of “noise”, this looked like heavy grain in the image, almost like a really old picture from the early 1900s.  Sometimes this looks cool, but only sometimes, so high ISO was kind of useless on my old camera.  But this D4 is amazing.  I pumped up the ISO on this image to around 6400 and managed to get a stationary ferry with a nice exposure with very little noise.

I love the orange sky in this shot and the black clouds, catching both ferries cross paths also get some strong foreground interest.

Carter found a bracelet that he liked and started wearing it around the house.  Not to be outdone, Master Chief did the same.

23. June 2012 · Comments Off on Ferris Wheel – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

After 6 months of waiting I finally have my new camera and would you believe that since it arrived, it’s not stopped raining.  I wanted to go out today to get some shots (as yesterday was totally written off) so I jumped into the car after breakfast and drove over to Issaquah.

I thought I’d go to the Lake Sammamish Park and see if I could shoot something on the water.  It was dry when I left home and spotting as I entered the park, but I figured I had enough time to get some pictures.  How wrong can you be.  As I parked up, the sky’s opened and it was like a bucket of water was pored over my car, I couldn’t believe how heavy it started to come down.

So, feeling dejected I headed home convinced that this would be another day with no new pictures.  When I got home Lisa was going to Bell Square Mall so I thought I’d go with her, we were dropping Abi off at a party and thought we’d hang in the Mall for a couple of hours.  While there I popped into the Talls Camera store and saw they had a D4 for sale.  I asked the guy working there when he got it in and he told me he gets them in every week – has for ages – and has sold loads!  I couldn’t believe it – I could have had my camera months ago!  So it was clearly turning into a really crappy day.

After we picked up Abi we headed home and the skies cleared and the sun came out – typical. Lisa, Abi and I went out for dinner (James wasn’t interested) and got home at 8:30 at night.  On the way home the sky looked great and the sun was going down.  So I decided to go out again with the camera and look for a nice sunset shot.

So I grabbed the gear and drove to Seattle, I had around 40 minutes to get to the city, find a parking place and get a shot.  Fortunately the roads were pretty empty and I made great time, I was parked up on the water front in 35 minutes.  I ran to a pier and looked for a subject to shoot.

I haven’t been to Seattle for a while and apparently Seattle had decided to put up a large ferris wheel, similar to the London Eye in England.  It isn’t open to the public yet, Lisa told me it wont be until later in the summer, but I thought it might make a good subject.  The sun was going down just behind the wheel and the pier was lit up with red and orange lights.  So I set up the tripod and started shooting.

I’m pretty pleased with the image I got and just relieved that I finally captured a nice image with the camera (and it stopped raining). Hopefully I’ll get some more shots tomorrow.

Carter and Master Chief decided to make a model of the Space Needle today.  Here you can see Master Chief adding the finishing touches.