22. June 2012 · Comments Off on Baby Bison – Northwest Trek · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

The whole arrival of the new camera made me completely forget I still have some Northwest Trek pictures to post.  Add to that the fact that it’s been raining all day and I didn’t want to get wet!  So tonight’s image is a baby bison.

While on the tram tour we passed a herd of bison.  We actually went past them twice, the first time they were all lying down in the long grass and all my pictures brilliant depicted long stalks of grass with little black ears sticking out of the top!  Fortunately the second time we went past the bison they were up and about, in fact they were up and about in the middle of the road and the tram had to wait for them to get bored and walk off before we could go past.

The herd was pretty big, it must have had around 30 bison, and there where half a dozen babies.  While we were waiting for the bison to move off the road, one of the babies was drinking milk from it’s mother, it would have made a great shot but I would have had to shoot through the trams windscreen.  As the bison walked into the grass we slowly drove past.  I got the chance to grab this shot of a baby standing by a tree stump.  It’s mum was just in front and out of shot.

I was clearly over excited when I took the shot as I didn’t get the feet in frame.  But other bison kept walking between me and the baby so I guess I should be pleased I got this.  Actually forget other bison getting in the way, it was a bit of a fight to get a good shot in the tram as there were 14 other photographers trying to do the same thing.

The other reason I posted this tonight was that Abi said this was a really cute shot and she knows cute!

Carter discovered the joys of frozen cocktails – apparently they are really nice and today he stocked up.

21. June 2012 · Comments Off on Nikon D4 – Home · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

At the beginning of the year I said I wanted to try lots of different types of photography.  One form I haven’t tried yet is product shots.  As my new Nikon D4 arrived today, I thought I’d do a nice shot of my new camera, using my old camera – for the last time.

This shot took 20 minutes to set up, with some black paper behind the camera creating a seamless backdrop, the camera sitting on an upturned cooking bowl with one of James’ black t-shirts on it, and three speed lights pointing at the camera from different angles.  Amazingly it was pretty easy to set up and I got good images almost immediately.

So here is the D4 in all it’s glory.  I haven’t really taken that many pictures with it yet, but the few I have taken have left me already very impressed.  This thing can shoot images in nearly complete darkness by supporting incredibly high ISO settings.  The focusing speed is amazing and I got some fantastic shots of Roxie on the deck and Abi on the trampoline, everything was in focus, and I took 11 images a second!  Think about that, that’s almost unbelievable.

Abi did a somersault and I got her perfectly as she spun in the air.  When I go to Abi’s gymnastic meets later in the year I should be able to capture some amazing images.

Getting this camera has been a bit of a nightmare.  I decided early last year I wanted what’s called a “full frame” camera, that’s a camera with a sensor that’s the same size as 35mm film.  However the Nikon models at the time were coming to the end of their lives and the new “D4” was supposed to be coming out in March 2011.

However Japan had a really bad year last year.  There was of course the terrible tsunami and later in the year a lot of very bad flooding.  Both times the Nikon factories were hit.  All through this I decided not to by the older D3S.  Rumors kept coming out that the D4 was around the corner, and summer went to fall, and fall to winter every month the release date moved out.

January came around and on the 6th, Nikon announced the new D4.  Early in the morning camera stores around the US started to accept advanced orders (there were none around but we were promised a February delivery).  So I went to one of the largest suppliers in the US, Adorama.  I’ve purchased a lot of gear from Adorama over the years and been very happy with them, their prices are good and they ship for free.  So Adorama it was.  I would bet I placed my order within 10 minutes of them letting you in.

Anyway, February came and went, as did March and April, each month Adorama promised a delivery in two weeks.  I have to say I was getting really frustrated but I guess it really wasn’t their fault, Nikon just weren’t shipping cameras.

By the time it got to June I was really worried I wouldn’t get the camera for my July vacation.  So I signed up to an online service that promised to text me when a major supplier got some in stock.  Last week at 7:30am I got a text message saying Best Buy had some D4s.  I placed my order with them in 3 minutes and got one. 15 minutes later they were sold out.  When I got to work I called Adorama and cancelled my order with them and today Best Buy delivered my camera (exactly when they said they would).

Lisa keeps asking me if I’m excited but in truth it’s all a major anti-climax.  I’ve waited well over a year for this camera, I’ve had lenses on a shelf that only work with the full frame sensor that I couldn’t use for ages waiting for the D4 to arrive.  So yes I’m really pleased but I’ve never had to wait so long for an item I have the money for!  Very, very frustrating.

Anyway, I’m off work tomorrow and going out to test the camera out.  Expect more posts on the D4 and LOTS and LOTS of images.  Thank you Best Buy, you made my summer.

As the D4 arrived today, the Halo guys insisted on getting an unboxing shot.  I particularly like Carter’s pose.

20. June 2012 · Comments Off on Restaruants – Carillon Point · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I’ve posted a few pictures of Carillon Point and talked about the waterfront, harbor and the restaurants and Woodmark Hotel.  All the other shots I’ve posted have been down by the water, I posted one image that looked down at the water from the upper area where the shops and restaurants are but nothing really from around the shops and the hotel.

So tonight’s image is from the upper section.  There’s this really nice paved area that is almost like a very large roundabout with shops.  Cars can drive round the area to drop people off or you can hand your car to a valet service for the restaurants and hotel.  But there is very little traffic.  In the middle are these large pillars with lights on top and a seating area where you can sit and watch the world go by.

Around the outside of the roundabout are a number of restaurants, shops and, of course, the hotel.  You can’t actually see the hotel in the shot below (it’s to the left of the image), but you can see the restaurants and bars lit up.  It’s actually a really nice quiet place to hang out (if it’s a nice evening).  You can enjoy a lovely meal while watching the sun set over Lake Washington (that was behind me when I took the shot).

Party time tonight as the new camera is here tomorrow, so Carter and Master Chief helped me blow up some balloons.

19. June 2012 · Comments Off on Market Neon – Seattle · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

I know what you’re thinking, how many nighttime neon shots can you take?  Well the answer is quite a lot.  Ironically tonight’s image is the subject that gave me the original idea that started this off.  I remember driving past Pike Place Market one night on my way home with James, and seeing the sign lit up.  It was one of those “oh I’ll come back and get that another time” moments.

Well several weeks later (and after one failed attempt when I drove to Seattle and the sign was not turned on) I finally got the shot.  The market was empty and the sun had set.  There were actually a few people standing below the sign taking the same picture but I’m sure mine is best (joke).

I was lucky as I managed to find a parking place actually in the market, so it was literally drive up, grab the shot and go home.

One of the challenges I have is that I don’t go to that many new places – I do work for a living you know.  When I do go somewhere I take loads of shots of the same thing, and then find myself with a dilemma.  Do I post all my night time shots of Pike Place or not?  If I was posting less frequently I would be much more selective but I really don’t have that luxury.  I posted a similar nighttime shot of Pike Place back on June 1st, but that was a different sign so I’m letting this one go up too.

On a positive note, my new camera (Nikon D4) will be here in two days time and I know I’ll be out and about with that and am bound to get some exciting new images.  Arguably not because the camera is better, but just because I’m excited to go out and play with a new toy.  There is a whole back story to the camera, which I will post when it arrives, so look out for that.

The guys were feeling musical tonight, so made themselves an instrument and gave us a song.  It was terrible!

18. June 2012 · Comments Off on Truck – Snoqualmie · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Here is a great example of the madness you experience when you try to post a picture a day.  I was driving through Snoqualmie and this truck caught my eye.  I don’t really know why, it’s not that attractive, that new or old, but it had something.  There was something about this scene that made me think, there’s a picture.

So I found a place to u-turn and went back to take the shot.  I parked up, jumped out and grabbed the camera and tripod – remember I always have them with me, and got the shot.

When I got home I did what I do every night, I sat down and went through any new pictures I’ve taken that day and post process them (just a bit) to see if they are promising and if so drop them in a “processing folder” on my hard drive.  Then I go through my “processing folder” looking for pictures to put up here. (One day I’ll write up my workflow of what I do – it won’t be that interesting to everyone, but I have to write something every day so you’ll have to give me a break).

The funny thing is, just because I think an image has promise when I take it, two weeks later I frequently feel differently, to the point where some I just don’t like!  This image has been sitting in the processing folder for a while now.  Not because I don’t like it, I just didn’t know why I did.  Well tonight I saw it again and thought, OK, let’s finish off the processing and see what it looks like.  That and Lisa walked past and said Ooo I like that.  I asked her why, and she didn’t know either!

Anyway, I tightened it up in Photoshop and here it is.  If you like it and can say why let me know, maybe Lisa and I like it for the same reason.

Carter lost Red and Master Chief, then found them playing in Lisa’s Jewelry Tree.  I’m not sure he approved!