13. June 2012 · Comments Off on Goat – Northwest Trek · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Another picture tonight from Northwest Trek.  While there when we drove round the “free-range” area and came across three goats.  If you remember, the free-range area is 435 acres and we saw the goats several times.  We were driving around, and every time we hit a new corner, there was one of the goats again.

The guide told us that there were only three and I don’t know how many times we saw this one but we were out there 2 hours and saw them loads of times.  This image was taken at the base of a hill.  We were in the tram and the goat was at the top of the hill.  When we stopped to take a picture the goat just looked round, and this was the shot I got.

As you can see the weather was pretty crappy.  It was overcast like this for the whole tour, but at least it was dry.  Of course the moment we got to the end the clouds parted and the sun came out.  After tonight I’ll take a break from these Northwest Trek pictures and post more later, so tomorrow expect something different.

Tonight the halo guys decided to do a little wood shop.  They made a nice “Bird House”.