01. July 2012 · Comments Off on Patas Monkey – Woodland Park Zoo · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Today’s image was also taken at Woodland Park Zoo and I have to say it’s probably my favorite.  Not necessarily because it’s a great picture, but more because it was hysterically funny.

We saw this Patas monkey pretty early on while walking around the zoo.  Apparently these monkeys are also called Red Guenons and stem from all over Africa.  They are mainly ground-dwelling primates and like to live in open bush and the grass savanna.

So what was it about this monkey that made it so interesting, what was the joke?  Well, kids joke that monkeys throw poo, but apparently that’s not all they do with it!  This one was pulling chunks out of its bottom and scoffing the lot.  He even licked his fingers after.  I was literally laughing out loud – Lisa say’s I’m too loud and can be embarrassing but come on, this wasn’t my fault.

There were a couple of Patas there, this one, eating lunch, and another sitting on top of the rocks watching.  I took a few shots but favored the tighter version showing the monkey nice a big in the frame.

Families would walk past and kids would stop and stare.  When the mums realized what the monkey was doing they grabbed their kids and pulled them away.  This somehow made it even funnier.

It’s also worth pointing out today that I’m officially half way through the year, yes today is day 183 our of 366.  So only another 183 days to go.

Master Chief was playing with a slap (or snap) bracelet this afternoon and got stuck!  So Carter helped him out.