15. June 2012 · Comments Off on Rose – Carillon Point · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , , ,

I wanted to post something different tonight so I waited until the sun went down and hit the road.  At first I was looking for something interesting to shoot in Redmond Town Center, but the security guys don’t like me there (you’ll have to read an earlier post to find out why) so I kept driving.

In the end I found myself in Carillon Point in Kirkland.  This is a private harbor for local residents who clearly have some money – you should see the size of the boats.  They have lots of lights along the water’s edge and piers that head out and around the harbor, these piers are also lit up.  On the water front there are loads of bars and restaurants and they were all full of people.

So there I am walking around with a camera bag around my neck and a huge tripod and camera in my hand – everyone is looking at me like I’m nuts.  I took lots of shots and got some really nice images – it’s very pretty there.  I even bumped into a friend from work and stopped to talk to him and his wife for a bit.  When I was done I started walking back to the car.

Just before I reached the car I noticed these huge pink roses in a massive bush.  There were three roses and they bigger than both my hands together.  Just by the roses there was a large group of people standing outside a bar drinking.  Anyway I thought a close up shot of the rose in focus with the boats in the background in soft focus may look nice so I set up my tripod and took a few pictures.

When I got home I showed Lisa all my shots and she fell for this rose image so that’s the one I’m posting tonight.  This was taken with quite a long exposure so while it looks pretty light outside it’s really not.  The sun had set and the sky was dark.  Anyway I think it came out well, hope you like the image.

The guys found a mouse trap today and started to play with it, big mistake!