21. May 2012 · Comments Off on Jolanda Lake – Tumwater Canyon · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

As you drive home to Redmond from Leavenworth you go west and take highway 2 towards Steven’s Pass with the Wenatchee River on the right.   Before you start to climb up to the Pass you go through Tumwater Canyon and come across Jolanda Lake.  This is an amazingly scenic Canyon and the Lake is just beautiful.

To the north of the Lake are some pretty big rapids and to the south you find the Tumwater Dam that throws the water down a man made waterfall that used to power an old hydro-electric plant.  The Lake seems so tranquil, you’d never know there was so much going on at each end.  Right by the Lake is the Alps Candy Store.

Chris and I stopped to take some pictures of the lake and grab a drink.  We went into the store and they asked us if we wanted to buy some fudge.  It appears that the store made their own fudge and had every flavor imaginable.  I thought I’d better get something for the kids so I tried some “orange cream” fudge that was so sweet it made my teeth hurt – it was disgusting!  But I got some anyway as the kids would love it – and they did.

Apparently this lake looks even better in fall when the trees change color, so I’ll be going back then.  Hope you like the image.

I think the Halo guys are making a statement to all our women readers.  They were quite passionate to get this message across, personally I have no idea what they are on about!