08. September 2012 · Comments Off on Plane Home – Las Vegas · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Wow, what a week, today we left Las Vegas and came home, but not before heading out to Hoover Dam and Lake Mead, and spending some time walking round Caesars Palace.  Photoshop World was a total blast, fantastic training with some amazing professional photographers but I guess it had to end eventually.

I have a load of images that I can post from the event and from walking round Las Vegas, but unfortunately tonight my new Macbook Pro laptop stopped working.  I’m pretty worried about this as it has all my images from the week on it.  Yes I know, I should back up regularly and I normally do, but it’s been so busy over the last few days, I didn’t get the chance (or just forgot). So tomorrow I’m of to the Apple Store to find out why my week old new computer no longer works (you will probably here me shouting at them).  My big concern is I don’t lose the images on the hard disk.

So when I got home (thanks Lisa for coming out and picking us up) I had to reinstall some apps on my old (clean) computer and find an image to post from my camera.  By the time I got my old mac all set up I was (quite frankly) too tied to post process a great pic so I selected a shot from the Las Vegas airport.

We got the the terminal pretty early and I got a great seat at the gate while we waited to board.  But as we were there early our plane hadn’t even arrived.  Eventually it arrived and I shot the image below.  I captured this through glass, and the two white lines (very faint) on either side of the plane are glass reflections.

I processed the image relatively quickly, so this is not one of my best, but I needed to post so it made the grade for today’s pic.  Hopefully I’ll get some good news tomorrow and get my new computer back online.

Carter and Master Chief couldn’t resist one last attempt at winning big in Vegas, although I think they may be trying to cheat.

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