04. February 2012 · Comments Off on Duck Pond – Carnation · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Today I hit the road for a couple hours looking for something local to shoot.  It was a lovely day too with blue skies and the temperature in the low 60’s (not bad for February in Seattle).

I didn’t really have a plan; I was just looking for something that grabbed me and between Carnation and Duvall I drove past this pond by the road.  Ironically it wasn’t the water that grabbed me it was actually the sky.

It’s time like this that I really feel old.  I mean when I was 18 I NEVER noticed a nice sky!

Anyway so I turned the car round and drove back to see if I could find a picture.

There was a dirt track by the road and I pulled in there and got the camera out just in time to see some ducks fly down and enter the pond.

In all I’m happy with the shot, the sky looks really good, I like the tree line and the pond in the foreground sets up the shot with something in the lower, middle and upper parts of the image.

Game night for the Halo dudes, and like any normal person there is nothing better than a nice game of Twister!


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