23. November 2012 · Comments Off on Barn – Carnation · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I don’t know why but I seem to have a thing for barns!  I found this one between Duvall and Carnation, I actually have no idea where it is but I’m calling it Carnation for this posting.  The barn was right next to a big cow shed full of cows eating and I took quite a few pictures of them too.  But it was a litte dark and the cows kept moving so the images didn’t come out as well.  I was also going as fast as I could as I didn’t want some angry farmer to come out and give me a hard time, fortunately that never happened.

Anyway the sun was going down and this barn looked really good.  I loved the textures in the wood and the things hanging inside the barn were cool too.  I took a few pictures of the barn, one from the side (this one below) and a couple from the front, but the frontal ones didn’t look as good – the building had too much wide angle distortion and  I didn’t catch the orange sky that’s off to the left in the image below.

The barn had a load of cables coming off the roof and they really ruined the image.  So I took all those out in post processing.  I also tone mapped the image to bring out some of the shaded areas and give the sky a little drama and ended up with the image below.  Oh there was also a huge tire in the bottom right hand corner that was just distracting, so I took that out too.  Pretty pleased with the end result though.

The guys unpacked their new Nokia 920 today, it’s a white one.  Very “stormtrooper”.

02. March 2012 · Comments Off on Cascade Views – Carnation · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

After a few days of portraits I thought I’d go back to landscapes today.  This picture was taken in Carnation looking east towards the Cascade mountain range.  I liked this image mainly because of the sky, which is odd when you have the mountains center picture.

Coming from the UK (and London at that) I never saw landscapes like this, the tallest thing near where I come from is the Canary Wharf building in the city.  We had no mountains, in fact the tallest “mountain” in England is in the Lake District and it’s a sad 3200 feet!  90 miles from where we live here in Washington is Mount Rainier, that’s 14,400 feet.

The best bit is in the morning when I drive to work I get a fantastic view of Rainier.  On the way home I see the snow capped Cascades in the distance.  Pretty good for a London boy.

Now here is a blast from the past.  I wonder how many people viewing this post actually owned a Stylophone!  I had one, and so did David Bowie – just listen to Space Oddity.  Anyway, Carter found mine and started to blast out some awesome tunes.

04. February 2012 · Comments Off on Duck Pond – Carnation · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Today I hit the road for a couple hours looking for something local to shoot.  It was a lovely day too with blue skies and the temperature in the low 60’s (not bad for February in Seattle).

I didn’t really have a plan; I was just looking for something that grabbed me and between Carnation and Duvall I drove past this pond by the road.  Ironically it wasn’t the water that grabbed me it was actually the sky.

It’s time like this that I really feel old.  I mean when I was 18 I NEVER noticed a nice sky!

Anyway so I turned the car round and drove back to see if I could find a picture.

There was a dirt track by the road and I pulled in there and got the camera out just in time to see some ducks fly down and enter the pond.

In all I’m happy with the shot, the sky looks really good, I like the tree line and the pond in the foreground sets up the shot with something in the lower, middle and upper parts of the image.

Game night for the Halo dudes, and like any normal person there is nothing better than a nice game of Twister!

24. January 2012 · Comments Off on Tolt McDonald Park – Carnation · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Tolt McDonald Park in Carnation has a really nice picnic area and in the middle of it is this huge barn that contains all the picnic tables. Only in Washington State would you find a covered picnic area that’s full of tables. I guess it’s usually too wet to eat outside.

Anyway I really liked the look of the barn and the grain of the wood in the ceiling. So I took this picture not really expecting it to come out, but when I got home I was really pleased with the look.

Not being a picnic kind of guy I doubt I’ll ever eat in this place but it made a cool picture.

As it’s cold outside and Carter had an ear infection they decided to stay in and play some more games.

20. January 2012 · Comments Off on Tolt McDonald Park – Carnation · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

So I’m really tied of the snow so I thought I’d post a snow free picture today. This shot was taken in Tolt McDonald Park. There’s this great suspension bridge that crosses the river and on the other side is the park with nature trails and BBQ and picnic areas. The bridge actually sway’s as you walk across it very cool.

I like the cables in this picture that start in the corners and lead up to the top of the first tower. That and the slightly blue sky peeking through looks great.

More snow tomorrow, probably.

Using Bing to find out information is a daily occurrence for me, so when the Halo guys said they needed some information I pointed them there…

Lost my ride