08. January 2012 · Comments Off on Tolt River Bridge – Carnation · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I had the day on my own today – family went out, so I grabbed the camera gear and hit the road.

This image was taken from a suspension bridge at Tolt McDonald Park looking up river to another bridge across the told river.  There were a few people out fishing standing in the river and one guy in his boat.  I liked the scene with the Cascade mountain range in the background and the sky came out red/orange and the tree line as almost blue.  I suspect this was because I had the wrong white balance set in the camera and while I do shoot raw and can easily change this in post processing I didn’t want to.

I love this image.  Lisa came home from shopping in Alderwood Mall with a glitter ball.  I had her hold the ball and my niece Aimee point a gridded flash at the ball.  I also had a small soft box for fill.  The lights on the floor and the reflective Xs were added in Photoshop.

You make me feel like dancing

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