11. July 2012 · Comments Off on Red Shelby Cobra – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

On Saturday I went back to the Redmond Exotic Car show and saw this red Shelby Cobra.  I’ve taken a picture of one of these before but I really like the curvy lines on this car and couldn’t resist shooting one again.   Last time I posted a Cobra I got down on the ground really low and just captured front grill (or air intake) and near-side wheel.  So I didn’t think it was cheating posting this picture.

I know these are basically kit cars (although you can find some originals) but I love them.  They look fun, fast and really sexy.

If you read my posting a few nights ago you will know that this show was British Car Week and here is another American car!  I did shoot some British cars honest and promise I’ll post some soon.

I know this again isn’t a complete car shot but I like the shape of the cars side and the red polished finish looked really nice.  One day I’ll capture a compete Cobra so you know what they look like, but for now you’ll just have to trust me that they look REALLY cool.

The guys joined me at work today for a very long day – we got home at 9:45pm and were in at 7:30am.  Anyway, they were bored while at work and found the most complex desk puzzle ever made!

08. July 2012 · Comments Off on Porsche 356 Speedster – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

As I’d exhausted my backlog of cars, I decided to go back to Redmond’s “Exotics” car show.  This show is on every weekend (weather permitting) and each week they have a different theme.

This weekend it was “British Car” week, so I went along to see what I could find.  I expected to see lots of Lotus and Jaguar’s (and wasn’t disappointed), but there were loads of manufactures that were conspicuous by to their absence.  For example, only one TVR (and it was it poor condition), no Triumphs (couldn’t believe that), not one Spitfire or Stag (my favorite) and only two MGs and no MGBGT – a wonderful car.

So it was a little disappointing and if I see one more Lamborghini at these shows I’ll scream – sorry James, I know you love them.  Having said all this there were some beautiful cars there and I got some nice pictures.

Despite the British theme, my posting tonight is a Porsche – funny eh?  This is an old Porsche 356 Speedster.  It was parked in a great position with some nice bushes behind, and nobody was in shot!  That’s pretty rare at these things you have to have the patience of a saint as there is always someone in the way.  But for this image I was lucky.

I loved the cream/yellow color of this car and the chrome on the front really set it off.  It was in fantastic condition, absolutely beautiful.  If I owned a Porsche, it would have to be one of these – but as it’s a convertible, it’s not really a car for Washington State.

This afternoon Carter decided to show Master Chief his new ride.  I think Master Chief was a little jealous.

18. June 2012 · Comments Off on Truck – Snoqualmie · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Here is a great example of the madness you experience when you try to post a picture a day.  I was driving through Snoqualmie and this truck caught my eye.  I don’t really know why, it’s not that attractive, that new or old, but it had something.  There was something about this scene that made me think, there’s a picture.

So I found a place to u-turn and went back to take the shot.  I parked up, jumped out and grabbed the camera and tripod – remember I always have them with me, and got the shot.

When I got home I did what I do every night, I sat down and went through any new pictures I’ve taken that day and post process them (just a bit) to see if they are promising and if so drop them in a “processing folder” on my hard drive.  Then I go through my “processing folder” looking for pictures to put up here. (One day I’ll write up my workflow of what I do – it won’t be that interesting to everyone, but I have to write something every day so you’ll have to give me a break).

The funny thing is, just because I think an image has promise when I take it, two weeks later I frequently feel differently, to the point where some I just don’t like!  This image has been sitting in the processing folder for a while now.  Not because I don’t like it, I just didn’t know why I did.  Well tonight I saw it again and thought, OK, let’s finish off the processing and see what it looks like.  That and Lisa walked past and said Ooo I like that.  I asked her why, and she didn’t know either!

Anyway, I tightened it up in Photoshop and here it is.  If you like it and can say why let me know, maybe Lisa and I like it for the same reason.

Carter lost Red and Master Chief, then found them playing in Lisa’s Jewelry Tree.  I’m not sure he approved!

14. June 2012 · Comments Off on Old “New” Ford – Duvall · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I guess there’s two approaches to car refurbishing.  There is the “make it like it rolled off the production line” version, you know what I mean, refurbish the car back to it’s original state, and then there’s the Custom Car version, when you supe up a car, drop the suspension chrome it up and add a massive engine and add a super cool paint job.

I have to say that I actually prefer the first type, I love the idea of an old 1950’s car looking brand new, exactly like it did when the first owner drove it off the sales lot.  I can appreciate those custom cars, even admire them, but I don’t think I’d want to own one myself.  Clearly I’m getting old, but that’s what I like.

Now having said all this, Lisa and I saw some refurbished cars that fell into both camps at the Big Rock Classic Car Show in Duvall.  Of course as you’d expect I was all over the 1950 Chevy’s and Oldsmobile, but Lisa found this Ford.

This car, even I have to say, was pretty amazing.  It was a 1940s Ford (I have no idea what model) that had been heavily customized.  The interior was completely carpeted, the seats looked totally luxurious and the dials and dash (pinocle) was modern and super cool.  The engine was surprisingly boring as it was predominantly the same color as the car.  I think the car had like 800 miles on the clock so was really a new, “old” Ford.

What caught Lisa’s eye however was the paint job.  I know in this picture it looks flat gold, but it’s actually covered in tiny specks of color.  It was truly amazing and when I get my beautiful 1950’s Chevy Bel Air (in my dreams), I’m having this paint job.

I think Carter was bored tonight, I found him “note tabbing” Master Chief up!

04. June 2012 · Comments Off on Chrome Engine – Duvall · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: ,

While in Duvall at the Big Rock Classic Car Show I captured this shot of a chrome engine.  I have no idea what the car is (I didn’t check) but I loved the three carburetors on the top and the fact that it was all bright and shiny.  After a while you tend to just walk around taking lots of pictures, some you know will look good and some you just hope.  This was a shot I kind of saw as I captured it and while it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, I like the mechanical busy look of the engine.  I just wish I owned an engine this clean – never going to happen.

I really don’t know how much time these guys spend adding bright-work to their cars, but you have to admire this kind of dedication.  I mean how long does it take to polish the engine?  And what happens if you get an oil leak?  Clearly these are questions I will never know the answer to.  Anyway I hope you like the image.

Tonight Carter and Master Chief were once again playing with fruit, who knew you could have so much fun.