13. February 2012 · Comments Off on Red Trail Wheel – Redmond Ridge · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

I’ve mentioned before that we have around 16 miles of nature trails around our neighborhood and for a change I went for a walk with the camera down one of the trails.  On my travels I found this green post with a red wheel in the middle of nowhere!  I have no idea what it does but I thought I’d try a picture with the wheel as the subject and the trail behind.

Some people will tell you that when they take a picture they know exactly what they are trying to capture – they can “see” the finished image before they take the shot.  Now that does happen sometimes but really it’s pretty rare.  For me I see something interesting, and try “working the scene”.  I may spend 10-20 minutes trying different angles and perspectives (this is why Lisa NEVER goes out with me when I photograph – it drives her mad!)  So here I was out by the wheel.  No idea if this would look interesting and I took several different shots.  Some wide, some close, some with everything in focus and some with the wheel in focus and some with it out of focus (you get the idea).

Now the back of the camera is a little 3″ screen and while you can check it out to see if there are any major issues (out of focus, bad composition) you can’t really tell if you’ve got a good picture until you get the shot on a computer screen.

When I got home I found the image below and it kind of grabbed me.  But in honesty I don’t know why I like it.  Maybe it’s the red wheel against the green background or the weathered look of the metal – I don’t know.  Interestingly Lisa said the same thing, so tonight this is the image I’m posting.

With Valentines day coming up tomorrow, our Halo dudes are feeling a little romantic.

14. January 2012 · Comments Off on Turnstone Trail – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Today we got our first snow of the year, so Abi and I grabbed the tripod and headed out to see what we could find. We live in a neighborhood called Turnstone and behind all the houses are miles of trails. These trails are used by runners, hikers and even the odd horse back rider.

The nearest trail has this great winding path view through the really tall trees.  With Abi standing just in shot I think it looks great.  We’re being told by the weather men that this is just the beginning , the big snow fall is due in a couple of days.  So expect more whit stuff in postings.

What do you do when the first snow falls?  You make a snow angel right?  Well so did the Halo guys.

Snow Angel