19. January 2012 · Comments Off on Redmond Ridge Community Center – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Are you sick of the snow pictures yet? Well this is what happens when you take a picture a day and it’s snowing outside! Anyway I went out today (even though Lisa said I shouldn’t coz it was bad conditions) and took this shot.

This is a picture of our community center. This is the place that James (my son) painted when he was 5 years old. When I say painted, I mean Lisa and I were there for a community meeting and we put the kids in the “safe play area” (no such place) and they found some paints and proceeded to paint the walls, floor and furniture. Some other younger kids were doing most of it and I suspect James realized pretty quickly they shouldn’t be doing it but didn’t know what to do. You could argue it wasn’t him (he tried to) but the paint on his hands kind of gave him away! Needless to say I paid for the place to be cleaned and painted, the other parents just ran off. – So I feel in some strage way I own part of this building 🙂

OK slightly off topic… but it was a pretty scene and the picture came out well. Expect more of the white stuff tomorrow, and the day after, and after that etc. etc (yes I am sick of it).

So Carter here (blue dude) is actually standing up, but like me needs to go on a diet as he’s neck deep…

Neck Deep
18. January 2012 · Comments Off on Turnstone Water Catchment Area – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

This water catchment area behind my neighborhood looked beautiful after the snow came. The kids sometimes come down here to play (or catch frogs) and there’s even a golf tee for some guy who likes to practice.

Anyway I walked down to the pond and took some shots. It had just stopped snowing and the clouds parted just long enough to catch some blue sky. I thought the pond, tree line and blue sky looked great. The big tree in the front was just a bonus 🙂

More snow play, tell me you have never wanted to do this to someone?  I know I have…

Snowball Man
16. January 2012 · Comments Off on Turnstone Park – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

This shot was taken in the park opposite our house. A fresh layer of snow had just fallen and you can see the entrance to the park. The footprints are mine; I made them just before taking the shot. In the background you can see the play structure we built for the kids in the neighborhood. We had a couple of crappy swings and we convinced the housing association to give us some money if the dads in the neighborhood did all the work. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but nobody seems to use it these days (maybe that’s because it’s freezing outside!)

After a long day playing in the snow the guys wanted to get warm, what better way than this?

Trying to get warm
15. January 2012 · Comments Off on Tolt Church – Carnation · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , , ,

Today I went looking for something cool to shoot. It had just stopped snowing at home so I decided to drive to Fall City (about 10 miles away). I knew that there was a really cool red barn on the way and thought that would look great against the white fields and evergreen trees. Failing that there was always the Tolt river and and bridge there that would also look great covered with snow.. But ironically, no snow – anywhere! Feeling dejected I drove home through Carnation (where it has been snowing) and drove past this cool church. It seemed like an appropriate thing to photograph on a Sunday so I pulled over and go the shot.

These Halo guys apparently like to play board games!  Who knew?

14. January 2012 · Comments Off on Turnstone Trail – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Today we got our first snow of the year, so Abi and I grabbed the tripod and headed out to see what we could find. We live in a neighborhood called Turnstone and behind all the houses are miles of trails. These trails are used by runners, hikers and even the odd horse back rider.

The nearest trail has this great winding path view through the really tall trees.  With Abi standing just in shot I think it looks great.  We’re being told by the weather men that this is just the beginning , the big snow fall is due in a couple of days.  So expect more whit stuff in postings.

What do you do when the first snow falls?  You make a snow angel right?  Well so did the Halo guys.

Snow Angel