24. August 2012 · Comments Off on Water Catchment – Redmond Ridge · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , , ,

I got home from work tonight and the sun was starting to go down so I thought I’d walk to the end of the road and see if I could get a picture of the water catchment area in our neighborhood.  I don’t go there very often (I should really as Roxie our dog loves running around the trails by the water) but I thought the low sun might make a nice image.

So I grabbed the camera (and Roxie) and Abi and I set off to see what we could shoot.  I should point out here that the other reason we don’t go there is because Lisa doesn’t like frogs.  Those of you who know here know that she can’t even say the word, she call’s them Ya-ya’s.  So we never visit the trails and water.  But as Lisa wasn’t coming with us off we went.

We actually picked a good time to go as the sun was shining on the trees and shrubs and it was really pretty.  The water reflected the tree line and the moon was even out behind one of the trees at the top.  I grabbed a couple of shots and we walked around the pond.  It’s a good job Lisa wasn’t there as there were Ya-ya’s everywhere.

The image I would have liked to capture really needed a wider angle lens, but mine’s in the shop so until that comes back I had to stand back a bit further to get a shot I liked.  The reflection of the trees in the water made this picture and the greens and yellows looked great.

For some reason tonight the guys decided to cook come spaghetti, getting it out of the pot though was a bit of a challenge.

18. January 2012 · Comments Off on Turnstone Water Catchment Area – Redmond · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

This water catchment area behind my neighborhood looked beautiful after the snow came. The kids sometimes come down here to play (or catch frogs) and there’s even a golf tee for some guy who likes to practice.

Anyway I walked down to the pond and took some shots. It had just stopped snowing and the clouds parted just long enough to catch some blue sky. I thought the pond, tree line and blue sky looked great. The big tree in the front was just a bonus 🙂

More snow play, tell me you have never wanted to do this to someone?  I know I have…

Snowball Man