04. February 2012 · Comments Off on Duck Pond – Carnation · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

Today I hit the road for a couple hours looking for something local to shoot.  It was a lovely day too with blue skies and the temperature in the low 60’s (not bad for February in Seattle).

I didn’t really have a plan; I was just looking for something that grabbed me and between Carnation and Duvall I drove past this pond by the road.  Ironically it wasn’t the water that grabbed me it was actually the sky.

It’s time like this that I really feel old.  I mean when I was 18 I NEVER noticed a nice sky!

Anyway so I turned the car round and drove back to see if I could find a picture.

There was a dirt track by the road and I pulled in there and got the camera out just in time to see some ducks fly down and enter the pond.

In all I’m happy with the shot, the sky looks really good, I like the tree line and the pond in the foreground sets up the shot with something in the lower, middle and upper parts of the image.

Game night for the Halo dudes, and like any normal person there is nothing better than a nice game of Twister!

10. January 2012 · Comments Off on Lake Washington – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

This evening I went back to Kirkland as the sun was setting and took the following shot of Lake Washington. Way over in the distance (on the horizon) you can just make out Seattle). It was a little windy so the water was moving about quite a lot and took on a misty sheen in the image. I got some nice red sunset images that I might upload later in the year.

I was using a pretty wide angle lens for this (10mm) and I actually got my foot in the shot at the bottom in the middle.  Thankfully content aware fill in Photoshop saved the day.

I was trying to figure out what I should do with the Halo dudes and asked myself this question: “If I was their size, what would I want to do?” This picture was the result.

05. January 2012 · Comments Off on Lake Washington 520 Floating Bridge – Medina · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , , ,

Living near Seattle in the Pacific North West definitely has it’s advantages.  We are very close to the Cascades so if you like to Ski or Hike there are some very close locations.  We also have an abundance of water.  Seattle is located on Pudget Sound and between Redmond and Seattle is Lake Washington.

You can cross the lake using one of two bridges.  There is the I90 bridge that takes you over Mercer Island, or you can use my favorite, the 520 floating bridge shown below.

To capture this shot I found the last bridge that crossed the 520 before the 520 crossed the lake and took root above the commuting traffic.  This bridge has recently added a tole to pay for repairs and as a result there is quite a bit of “hardware” covering the road – which while being a shame doesn’t really hurt the image.

I found the location in Medina (very expensive area – where Bill Gates lives) and took the shot as the sun was going down after work.  In the distance you can just see the University of Washington and behind that the Olympic mountain range.  You can’t see Seattle itself as its off to the left of the shot.

My fun image today is Halo dude one giving Halo dude two a sponge bath! (No I don’t know why either)

03. January 2012 · Comments Off on Kirkland Waterfront – Kirkland · Categories: Image a Day · Tags: , ,

So here we are day three and I’m having to work hard to find images 🙂 especially as I’m back at work. So this evening I decided to drive home via Kirkland’s waterfront and see what I could get. The sun was setting which created a beautiful sky but it was raining so I had to work fast.

A lot of people have asked if the images I capture are all HDR and I know everyone thinks that this image was heavily processed.  But surprisingly this is pretty much what came out of the camera.  The sky really was that blue and the orange from the lights was that strong.

Here is the image:

Being a big kindle user myself I thought if would be fun to see the Halo guys reading a Halo book, this was the result:
